

It’s only been two days at this job and I never want to see another pair of bowling shoes again.

Do people no longer know what socks are?

Quit your job and come into the forest! Everything you’ll ever need is there, and you’ll never hurt again. 

Uh thanks for the suggestion but pretty sure that won’t pay my rent.



You’re that guy who calls your team The High Rollers and thinks your hilarious, aren’t you?

No, but I’d like to be him. I’ve never been bowling.

I’d invite you down to Mortal Pins but I don’t want to give you a pair of shoes for you to get your toe jam in.



Somehow I feel like that’s get me a write up. Well, another one. Room spray might be acceptable, though. Gonna try it at least.

Really? That’s disappointing but write ups are the worst! Especially when you’re new to the job. Aside from room spray, getting your point across that customers should take better care of their feet through subtleties could help.

Eh, I’d probably have to care more to be pissed off about write ups. Just don’t wanna lose the paycheck since it was a pain in the ass to find a place to work in the first place. Can’t wait til they fill the spot in the front and I never have to welcome people to Mortal Pins ever again or ask their fucking shoe size. The number of times people have asked me for mine today I’m gonna put it on my fucking name tag.



It’s only been two days at this job and I never want to see another pair of bowling shoes again.

Do people no longer know what socks are?

What are socks? Isn’t that the name of the football team in this area? New England Socks or something.

Uh I guess so. I was more referring to those nice items of clothing you put on your feet before you put on shoes. They’re a damn fine invention who woulda thunk it.